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Fonts for Apple Macintosh Systems

Fonts for Apple Macintosh System 7

The following fonts are available for Macintosh System 7; they are displayed in Figure D-2.

Chicago Courier Regular Geneva
Palatino Symbol Times

Additional Fonts for Apple Macintosh System 8 and Higher

In addition to the fonts shown for System 7, Macintosh System 8 offers the following fonts; they are displayed in Figure D-3.

Apple Chancery Hoefler Text Hoefler Text Ornaments

Additional Fonts for Apple Macintosh System 8.5 and Higher

In addition to the fonts shown for System 8, Macintosh System 8.5 offers the following fonts; they are displayed in Figure D-4.

Capitals Charcoal Gadget
Sand Techno Textile

Additional Fonts for Apple Macintosh OS X

In addition to the fonts shown for System 8.5, Macintosh OS X offers the following fonts; they are displayed in Figure D-5.

American Typewriter Andale Mono Arial
Arial Black Brush Script Baskerville
Big Caslon Comic Sans MS Copperplate
Courier New Didot Georgia
Gill Sans Futura Herculanum
Impact Lucida Grande Marker Felt
Optima Osaka Papyrus
Times New Roman Trebuchet MS Verdana
Webdings Zapf Dingbats Zapfino

(X)HTML Elements
CSS Properties

Figure D-2

Figure D-3

Figure D-4

Figure D-5
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