Fonts for Apple Macintosh Systems
Fonts for Apple Macintosh System 7
The following fonts are available for Macintosh System 7; they are displayed in Figure D-2.
Chicago | Courier Regular | Geneva |
Palatino | Symbol | Times |
Additional Fonts for Apple Macintosh System 8 and Higher
In addition to the fonts shown for System 7, Macintosh System 8 offers the following fonts; they are displayed in Figure D-3.
Apple Chancery | Hoefler Text | Hoefler Text Ornaments |
Skia |
Additional Fonts for Apple Macintosh System 8.5 and Higher
In addition to the fonts shown for System 8, Macintosh System 8.5 offers the following fonts; they are displayed in Figure D-4.
Capitals | Charcoal | Gadget |
Sand | Techno | Textile |
Additional Fonts for Apple Macintosh OS X
In addition to the fonts shown for System 8.5, Macintosh OS X offers the following fonts; they are displayed in Figure D-5.
American Typewriter | Andale Mono | Arial |
Arial Black | Brush Script | Baskerville |
Big Caslon | Comic Sans MS | Copperplate |
Courier New | Didot | Georgia |
Gill Sans | Futura | Herculanum |
Impact | Lucida Grande | Marker Felt |
Optima | Osaka | Papyrus |
Times New Roman | Trebuchet MS | Verdana |
Webdings | Zapf Dingbats | Zapfino |