NOTICE: This website is no longer updated or supported - as such many of the techniques used to build it may seem antiquated in the modern day. It is preserved for historical reasons only.
<li>Item 1</li></ol>
<li>Item 2</li>
<li>Item 3</li>
<li type="a">Lowercase letters</li></ol>
<li type="A">Uppercase letters</li>
<li type="i">Lowercase Roman numerals</li>
<li type="I">Uppercase Roman numerals</li>
<li type="1">Arabic numerals</li>
<ol start="10" type="a">
<li>This should be j</li></ol>
<li value="3">This should be c<ol></li>
<li>Lists can nest</ol><ol></li>
<li>Nesting depth is unlimited</li></ol>