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HTML XHTML The Complete Reference
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xml (XML Data Island)

This proprietary element introduced by Microsoft can be used to embed islands of xml (Extensible Markup Language) data into HTML documents; this will work only under Internet Explorer 5.0 or later. The <xml> element can be used to reference outside data sources using the src attribute, or surround XML data in the HTML document itself.

Syntax (defined by Internet Explorer 5.0)

id="unique alphanumeric value"
src="url of xml data file"
...embedded xml code...

Events Defined by Internet Explorer

ondataavailable, ondatasetchanged, ondatasetcomplete, onreadystatechange, onrowenter, onrowexit, onrowsdelete, onrowsinserted

Element-Specific Attributes

This attribute references an external xml data file.


<!-- This code embeds xml data directly into a document.
All code between the xml tags is not HTML, but a
hypothetical example of xml. -->

<xml id="tasty">
Tasty Burger</name>
  <bun bread="white">
<meat />
<cheese />
<meat />
<fries size="large" />
<drink size="large" flavor="Cola" />

<!-- This code fragment uses the src attribute to reference an
external file containing xml data. -->

<xml src="combomeal.xml"></xml>


No Standards Support
Internet Explorer 5, 5.5 6


Support for the <xml> tag is limited to Internet Explorer 5 or better. Mozilla's approach is more focused on embedding HTML within XML documents.

For a more detailed discussion of the element and demonstrations of its use, refer to "Embedding XML into HTML Documents" in Chapter 18.

(X)HTML Elements
CSS Properties
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